I am a yoga instructor and I would to make sure I offer challenging and appropriate sessions to a new student with KDA. Anyone has any experience with the poses that work well with an individual diagnosed with KDA. The student I worked with had excellent flexibility. Any recommendations??
10-14-2008, 04:45 PM
I practiced Tai Chi and Qigong for many years and felt the postures were very helpful. I also incorporated a little yoga into my sessions. I still practice a form of Qigong today that is very user friendly and helpful.
The key is to not over-extend/exert the person to a point where they are causing greater muscle wasting/damage. We published a "Smart Exercise Guide" (it can be found on our website) and in it we give certain warnings as to over-doing.
Stretching is extremely good for the muscles. Make certain the student does not over-do especially at first and monitor their level of strength/weakness/energy for signs of increased muscle damage. When the student has a doctor's visit, have him ask for a blood test to measure the CPK count. This is an excellent reference point over-time of whether their is increased muscle wasting. It will always be high, but if it has increased substantially than a flag should go up.
I hope this helps.
10-14-2008, 09:44 PM
Naomi, My husband has KD but still manages to do some limited physical activity. His level of activity changes from day to day depending on how his body feels. I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to inquire about needs and limitations for your student that has KD. Your willingness to learn about this disease not only shows your compassion but your level of professionalism. I'm sure that both of you will greatly benefit from your knowledge. BRAVO!! Thanks for what you do!
11-22-2012, 01:59 PM
Hello Guys i think that yoga is one of the best exercise for keep your self slim and smart.Thanks!!This message has been edited. Last edited by: Bruce, 11-30-2012 10:06 AM
11-16-2017, 03:03 PM
Hi, I have KD for about ten years. I am doing yoga once, or twice a week. I have pool therapy twice week, I sometimes feel weak or sore. Am I over doing it or not letting my muscles recuperate.
Bertram Smith
11-16-2017, 04:42 PM
It is difficult to say. If you are a little fatigued it is probably okay. If you are fatigued to a point where you feel weak, you might be overdoing it. If you are fatigued the following morning, you have overdone it.
If your soreness is minor, it is probably okay and should improve if you don't push yourself to hard.
I have found that the more often I exercise, the less sore I am. Again, you need to be the judge. Try a few different scenarios. Exercise a little less, but more often. Exercise the same, but less reps or time. Find the best plan that works for you and stick with it. Modify it only when you are fatigued or feeling extra good.
Most importantly, in my opinion, is that you are exercising. The working of the muscles and firing of the healthy motor neurons will help you maintain your current capabilities longer because of something called muscle memory.
11-16-2017, 10:30 PM
Hi Bruce, Thank you for your reply, I'm going enjoy talking on the forum.
Bertram Smith
11-17-2017, 09:35 AM
My neurologist introduced me to the "70% rule" many years ago when we discussed my exercise program. He said you always want to have something left in the tank in case you need it.
Only perform 70% of what you are capable of doing. Otherwise, you could be more susceptible to injuring yourself or doing harm to your healthy muscles.
I have followed this rule for fifteen years and it has made all the difference to me.