<Paul DeSchamp>
| I have been going to pool therapy, run by a licensed physical therapist, for over two years. I have been very happy with the experience and I think it has been good for me.
The session is an hour long conducted in a therapy pool with 95 degree water and a ramp which allows me to walk into the pool. I do not have to use a ladder which would be out of the question. The hour session consists of exercises such a leg lifts, jumping jacks, arm movements, bending and stretching, walking, etc. We do ten reps of each exercise.
In my view, the reason I can exercise at all is the water. The buoyancy of the water permits me to move without having to deal with my body weight. The challenge of exercising on land is loosing my balance, which does not happen in the pool. Also when you move the warm water messages the muscles. A side benefit is It feels great getting into a 95 degree pool in middle of a cold Maine winter.
When I first started, I went twice per week but I found that it was too much and I felt really tired by Saturday. I now go once per week and I feel much better. Obviously all KD’rs are different, but my experience with pool therapy has been very positive. |

Location: Arkansas Registered: 09-22-2005 Posts: 39 | I have found that when I swim my muscles seem to be more flexible and I have less pain afterwards. |

Registered: 09-28-2005 Posts: 654 | Paul, thanks for the advice. I believe Ron W. and a few others use a pool for their exercise program. I haven't tried it because I didn't have any way to get out of the pool. Is this a special club or service (one that has a ramp)? Bruce |
Registered: 09-27-2005 Posts: 3 | Good info Paul. Is your pool salt or fresh water? I'm thinking about putting in a pool an the saltwater pool is easier and cheaper to maintain. I'm wondering if it is phisically beneficial as well. quote: Originally posted by Paul DeSchamp: I have been going to pool therapy, run by a licensed physical therapist, for over two years. I have been very happy with the experience and I think it has been good for me.
The session is an hour long conducted in a therapy pool with 95 degree water and a ramp which allows me to walk into the pool. I do not have to use a ladder which would be out of the question. The hour session consists of exercises such a leg lifts, jumping jacks, arm movements, bending and stretching, walking, etc. We do ten reps of each exercise.
In my view, the reason I can exercise at all is the water. The buoyancy of the water permits me to move without having to deal with my body weight. The challenge of exercising on land is loosing my balance, which does not happen in the pool. Also when you move the warm water messages the muscles. A side benefit is It feels great getting into a 95 degree pool in middle of a cold Maine winter.
When I first started, I went twice per week but I found that it was too much and I felt really tired by Saturday. I now go once per week and I feel much better. Obviously all KD’rs are different, but my experience with pool therapy has been very positive.

Location: Arkansas Registered: 09-22-2005 Posts: 39 | It's easier to float in a salt water pool also. My father always told me that Salt water also heals wounds faster. |
Location: San Luis Obispo CA Registered: 10-10-2005 Posts: 164 | I do occasional work in the pool. The PT person really wasn't needed once I had a set of exercises to do, I can outline them if folks are interested. I use the community pool which as a lift. I use my power chair to get to the lift - I'm pretty tired by the end of the set. The pool work outs seemed to help with flexibility and balance.
================= email:rheitzman at gmail

Registered: 09-28-2005 Posts: 654 | Bob, if you wouldn't mind, why don't you send me your exercise routine and we can post it for you as an attachment. Thanks, Bruce Email: kennedysdiseaseinfo@gmail.com |
<Paul DeSchamp>
| Hi All,
Sorry I have not got back sooner but I was away. The pool that I go to is at the Boys and Girls Club and is designed to accommodate the handicapped. It has a ramp with hand rails so you can walk in, or even ride a wheelchair into it. It is a fresh water pool and the temperature in approximately 95 degrees.
Since I have been doing this for over a year I can, and upon occasion have, done the program on my own in a different pool. But, I like having the therapist there. She makes sure I do the exercises correctly. It also adds some discipline having to go the pool the same time each week. She can also see whether I am progressing, regressing, or staying the same.
I should mention that my insurance does not cover long term physical therapy. So I worked a deal with the physical therapy organization that runs this program. They allow me to join them for $15 per time. I think it’s a good deal. |
| I am going to the local (South-London, Ontario, Canada ) pool to try out the local "Aqua-fit" shallow water classes; I'll keep you[all] posted !Because, I was diagnosed with PLS, a form of ALS, I'll keep all of you, informed ! Richard Turner ricturn@rogers.com |
Registered: 10-03-2005 Posts: 4 | Hi Paul
Long time.. we were up in Maine this past july and wished we had brought your name and address along,,
AS for the pool I tried it the winter of 2003 and my wife and i both went to local boys and girls club of Allentown PA, a senior progran (It only cost $1 per visit) for "range of motion" and the first 3 visits were great felt very refreshed when done. Then the 3rd week only went twice and felt tired when done. the 4th week after one session i was afraid I would not be able to get up the ramp out of pool. so went back one more time and tried to make sure I was not overdoing it and still was so tired and weak I called it quits.
WAS IT BECAUSE OF previous year Open Heart Surgery? they told me I must exercise for the heart to become strong again BUT i did not have the strength and stamina to do the heart progran either. |
<Paul DeSchamp>
| Hi Paul, It’s too bad we could not have connected on your trip to Maine. Since we are out of the way, it’s nice to see folks when they make it to our beautiful State.
As I have found with KD, we all react differently to any activity. I too have to be careful not over do it. I have tried to increase the number of exercise reps I do from ten to fifteen and it’s too much. If I go to the pool on Monday, after any additional activity on the weekend, my legs are tired and I struggle to do the work out. That’s why I go on Thursday. I seem to be more rested and can do the work. However, even if I struggle through the program, the water is warm, my muscles get messaged, and I feel good. |
| I am a newly-wed,and moving this Thursday, still staying in London, Ontario, Canada - I'll let you all know about the local YMCA - who has a "unique" programme - and how it's going ! |