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Jaw locking
Picture of Lolo
Location: Arizona
Registered: 10-06-2010
Posts: 108
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My husband is having issues with what he is calling his jaw locking making is very difficult and painful for him to eat. The dentist wants to send him to an oral surgeon, the MD to a neurologist. Has anyone been through this, what did you do and did you get any relief? He seems so miserable.

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Picture of ToddAllen
Location: Chicago, IL
Registered: 01-18-2008
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I have a problem where my jaw catches when opening. I had an MRI and it showed cartilage that had shifted which interferes with jaw movement. I went through physical therapy which helped me learn to adjust the position and motion of my jaw to minimize the problem. Sometimes though it still gives me some trouble. If it ever gets bad surgery is an option.

I've had trouble with damaged cartilage in many joints. A few months ago I learned I have lead poisoning the symptoms of which have a lot of overlap with KD. While researching how to treat my lead poisoning I found a connection to poor vitamin C status and came to realize I have mild symptoms of scurvy. Part of my lead poisoning treatment has been very high dose vitamin C supplementation. In the last couple months I've been dong excellently, blood lead falling very fast down to 13mcg/dl from 45 and my joints are all doing better and I've been gaining strength, muscle mass, nerves are working better and I no longer feel diseased.
Location: San Luis Obispo CA
Registered: 10-10-2005
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Some of us have had jaw problems that may have been related to sleep position. In my case, I was sleeping on my side and my jaw was not supported. This resulted in a lot of jaw pain later in the day. I started using a "side sleepers" pillow which provides good support for my head including my jaw. The jaw pain went away.

The side sleeper pillow is more box-shaped compared to a regular pillow that has tapered edges. Stores like Bed Bath and Beyond have clearly marked side sleepers.

A fancy sculped pillow is overkill IMO, the thicker pillow with straight edges is all that I need. I use two pillows, one for back sleeping and the other for side sleeping. Give it a try if he is sleeping on his side with a regular pillow. Please post the results.

email:rheitzman at gmail
Picture of Lolo
Location: Arizona
Registered: 10-06-2010
Posts: 108
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Thank you both, I will show these replies to him so he can see your ideas. Hopefully a different pillow will help.

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