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Moderators: Bruce, SusanneW
Registered: 06-27-2016
Posts: 2
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Is fatigue an common issue with Kennedy's disease. It is hard to figure out if the fatigue issues are due to his age, his recent hip replacement, his Kennedy's disease or something else.
My husband is almost 70 years old and was diagnosed almost 2 years ago. At first they thought it was ALS, but a second opinion and then the blood test confirmed it was Kennedy's disease.
Registered: 10-22-2005
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Fatigue is certainly an issue for me, in fact chronic fatigue is for me, one of the most debillitating parts of the disease.
Picture of ToddAllen
Location: Chicago, IL
Registered: 01-18-2008
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I struggled with fatigue when I was in poor metabolic health as marked by elevated blood sugar, blood pressure, triglycerides, visceral fat, liver enzymes ALT & AST and low HDL and IGF1.

After 18 months of dieting and other efforts my metabolic health is apparently excellent as indicated by normalization of those biomarkers. I feel great and my energy levels are good again, especially mentally. Due to having lost a tremendous amount of muscle I still have impaired strength and endurance but as I slowly regain muscle that has been improving.
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Kennedy's Disease Association
1445 Woodmont Ln NW #1805 GA 30318
Tel: 1-855-532-7762
Email: info@kennedysdisease.org