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Is pneumonia vaccine recommended for people with SBMA?
Registered: 08-02-2009
Posts: 204
posted 02-20-2010 10:19 PM   Reply With QuoteReport This Post  
I have read in several different sources that the pneumonia vaccine is recommended for everyone over 65. In addition, it is also recommended for everyone, regardless of age, with certain health problems such as heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

Keeping that in mind, and knowing that people with SBMA are at elevated risk for aspiration pneumonia due to swallowing difficulties, it would seem to be an obvious no-brainer conclusion that everyone with SBMA should have the pneumonia shot. I've had it myself for those reasons.

Has anyone talked to their doctor and gotten an opinion on the pneumonia vaccine, either for, against, or indifferent? If so, please post. Thanks.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Dan B, 02-24-2014 08:41 PM
Picture of Robbie2
Location: Vancouver Island, British Columbia
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posted 02-20-2010 11:34 PM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
As a retired RN with a KD positive spouse, I say, 'yes!' definitely recommended. And our son, who is a Family Physician concurs.
posted 10-06-2010 05:04 PM   Reply With QuoteReport This Post  
My doctor gave me one.
Location: Michigan
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posted 10-07-2010 10:59 AM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  

I recently had my regular visit with my doctor. We discussed the pneumonia vaccine in addition to the flu shot because of what I have seen and heard on the news. He agreed that in my case, both shots were needed. In addition to KD, I also have COPD and a pacemaker. So I agree with the posts from Robbie2 and Bob.
Location: Madrid
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posted 10-19-2011 02:59 AM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
I´ve had both
Picture of Bruce
Registered: 09-28-2005
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posted 10-19-2011 11:19 AM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
Dan, a good question.

Yes it is recommended. My family doctor and my neurologist recommended the pneumonia vaccine and the booster (approx. five years later).

Yes, you are also right that as we age, we become more susceptible to pneumonia along with the inability (or less ability) to clear our lungs.
Location: planhelp4u@yahoo.com
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posted 07-08-2013 12:38 AM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
My Dr. recommended along with flu vaccine; which I took.
Location: Cornwall. UK
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posted 07-17-2013 03:59 PM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
A few years ago I was admitted to hospital for 10 days with Pneumonia. I was in Intensive care for a week of that time with a fever and unable to breath or clear my lungs properly. My family thought I wouldnt make it at times. Now I have the Flu vaccine every year and last year I had the 5 year pneumonia booster. My doctor had no hesitation in agreeing that I should have these injections. Since I started having these injections I have only had two very mild colds. My own tip is... Wash your hands regularly or use a small antibacterial spray on your hands. Its amazing what lurks on public doorknobs and other surfaces. Best wishes Eric.
Registered: 08-02-2009
Posts: 204
posted 02-24-2014 09:08 PM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
Just wanted to add some links to the website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on the pneumonia vaccine.

On the question of who should receive the vaccine, the CDC website says:
The pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23 or Pneumovax®) protects against 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria. It is recommended for all adults 65 years and older and for those 2 years and older at high risk for disease. PPSV23 is also recommended for adults 19 through 64 years of age who smoke cigarettes or who have asthma.

Knowing some of these details in advance may be helpful when you talk to the doctor about the vaccine.
Registered: 08-02-2009
Posts: 204
posted 09-20-2017 11:23 AM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
One more update. Both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have updated their recommendations during the year 2015. Both CDC and HHS now recommend getting BOTH the PCV13 vaccine and the PPSV23 vaccine. They say the two vaccines should be given about one year apart, with PCV13 first and PPSV23 a year later.

Obviously you should check with your doctor for a final recommendation. The following articles are good for background information so you can ask good questions when talking to the doctor.

Introductory article from WebMD:

Details from the CDC:

Details from HHS:
Location: Cornwall. UK
Registered: 04-09-2012
Posts: 53
posted 09-20-2017 02:07 PM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
Hi... Eric here from the UK. I have the Flu shot every year and the pneumonia shot every 5 years. It seems to work for me. When the pneumonia shot is due I have it the same time as the flu shot. I believe many KD patients also have the pneumonia shot.
Picture of Bruce
Registered: 09-28-2005
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posted 09-20-2017 03:10 PM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
Yes, Eric, the flu shots every year should be a #1 consideration for those of us living with KD. The pneumonia vaccine and the booster are also important. This year, my doctor also recommended the new pneumonia vaccine. It is focused on a certain type of pneumonia. I look at it as better safe than sorry.
Location: Cornwall. UK
Registered: 04-09-2012
Posts: 53
posted 09-20-2017 03:47 PM   Hide PostReply With QuoteReport This Post  
Hi Bruce. I am due for mine next month so will enquire about the new vaccine.
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