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Moderators: Bruce, SusanneW
Hi intensity Exercise
Location: Vancouver Canada
Registered: 12-13-2021
Posts: 4
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Is anyone on a hi intensity exercise program.
My name is Robert I'm 64 I would classify my KD as advanced. I was diagnosed at 39 but my symptoms started when I was in my late twenties.
I started a very intense program 2 years ago after breaking both my hips in falls 6 months apart.
I'm in better shape than I have been in ten years.
I put on ten pounds of muscle in 12 months and I'm stronger and more functional in every aspect.
I'm still very limited compared to a normal person., but I live a fairly normal life. I started working full time after 10 years off.
I can walk for an hour on fairly flat ground. I use a walker for safety. I do light weight lifting and some Martial arts training.
I was a serious weight lifter and 3rd degree black belt in my twenties.
I have a very structured program.
I am monitored by my family Doctor. I have no other medical support where I live, there are no Clinic programs or trials in Canada for KD.
I don't personally know anyone else with KD.
Any feed back by others exercising would be very appreciated.
Location: south carolina
Registered: 10-09-2011
Posts: 23
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Curious examples of intense? Lifting to failure with multiple sets?
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Kennedy's Disease Association
1445 Woodmont Ln NW #1805 GA 30318
Tel: 1-855-532-7762
Email: info@kennedysdisease.org